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Where Our Residents Come First

It is the mission of the Quincy Housing Authority to enhance the City of Quincy community by creating and sustaining safe, decent, sanitary and affordable housing environments for people of low income.

How to Apply

Applying for public housing is simple. Click on one of the links below.


Quincy Housing Exploring Grant Opportunity for Community Gardens in Germantown

The Quincy Housing Authority in partnership with Holly Hill Farms in Cohasset with the guidance from Mill City Grows of Lowell are exploring a terrific grant opportunity to bring community gardens to the Germantown Neighborhood at O'Brien Towers and Riverview Apartments. If you're a resident of the area, we'd love to hear from you. Your input matters! Help us learn more about your needs by completing this brief survey.

Quincy居民: 您想在附近的社区花园里种植自己的食物吗?请扫描其中一个二维码,完成一项简短的问卷调查并分享您的想法。谢谢您!
Quincy居民: 您想在附近的社區花園種植自己的食物嗎?請掃描其中一個二維碼,完成簡短的問卷調查並分享您的想法。謝謝您!
Residentes de Quincy: ¿Le gustaría cultivar sus propios vegetales en un jardín comunitario cerca de aquí?Escanee uno de estos códigos QR para completar una breve encuesta y compartir sus opiniones. Gracias! 
Residentes de Quincy: Você gostaria de cultivar seus próprios vegetais em uma horta comunitária local? Digitalize um desses códigos QR para responder a uma breve pesquisa e compartilhar suas ideias. Obrigado! 
Các cư dân Quincy: Bạn có muốn tự tay trồng lương thực trong một khu vườn cộng đồng gần đây không? Quét một trong các mã vạch này để hoàn thành một bản khảo sát ngắn và chia sẻ suy nghĩ của bạn.Cảm ơn

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I used to be homeless living out of my car and am so grateful living at to be one of Quincy Housing Authorities properties. I have been a resident for 30 years and love it here! The property is well maintained, the maintenance staff fixes reported issues very quickly. The staff is great! There is bingo on Sundays in the building as well as social events and cookouts in the summer. Thankful to be living in Quincy Housing.
Since joining the ROSS program in 2018 I went from unemployed to employed and raised my credit score 100 points! I have attended many helpful hard and soft skills programs at support services. I cannot say enough about all of these helpful programs available to federal families. Quincy Housing is a great place to live.

Quincy Housing News

QHA Staff Give Germantown A Little Extra TLC

June 27, 2024

QHA administrative staff were led by our dedicated maintenance team today in giving the Germantown neighborhood of Quincy a little…


QHA to Host “School’s Out” Event In Germantown

May 28, 2024

The Quincy Housing Authority and its partners will be hosting an end of the school year celebration in Germantown on…


Seniors Get Down with Soul Vibes

May 3, 2024

We didn’t write it, revise it, or submit it, but the Quincy Housing Authority was the grateful recipient of a…


Quincy Housing Authority is proud to manage these great housing authorities

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